Here is the problem statement for Problem 2
You are tasked with analyzing an engine schematic filled with part numbers (positive integers), symbols (*
, #
, +
, $
, @
), and periods (.
). To identify a missing part, calculate the sum of all part numbers adjacent (directly or diagonally) to any symbol. Numbers not adjacent to symbols are excluded. Find the sum of all part numbers adjacent to symbols in the given input
For the given problem input, the solution is 535078
Here is how to solve it
You can easily get a text file of the input using wget.
wget /problem-of-the-week/assets/files/problem2.txt
Or you can just copy paste it to a text file, nobody is going to judge you
Here are some smaller tasks you can solve to get to the solution
if you are using python.*
, #
, +
, $
, @
) and collects all adjacent positions (directly or diagonally) into a set.Here is a python solution for the problem
with open('./input.txt', 'r') as f:
puzzle_input =
lines = puzzle_input.split('\n')
# Identify the positions of symbols (non-numeric and non-dot characters)
symbol_adjacent = set()
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
for j, char in enumerate(line):
if not (char.isdigit() or char == '.'):
# Add all adjacent positions of the symbol
symbol_adjacent |= {(r, c) for r in range(i - 1, i + 2) for c in range(j - 1, j + 2)}
# Calculate the sum of numbers adjacent to symbols
part_num_sum = 0
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
j = 0
while j < len(line):
if line[j].isdigit():
# Parse the full number
start = j
while j < len(line) and line[j].isdigit():
j += 1
number = int(line[start:j])
# Check if any position of the number is in symbol_adjacent
if any((i, c) in symbol_adjacent for c in range(start, j)):
part_num_sum += number
j += 1
Nobody got the correct answer this time. Submission ignored all symbols other than *, #, +, $, and @. But we are declaring you as winners as you were so close.