Counting Point Mutations
Counting Point Mutations
Given two strings s
and t
of equal length, the Hamming distance between s
and t
, denoted \(d_H(s,t)\), is the number of corresponding symbols that differ in s
and t
. See Figure 2.
Given: Two DNA strings s
and t
of equal length (not exceeding 1 kbp).
Return: The Hamming distance \(d_H(s,t)\).
Sample Dataset:
Sample Output:
We iterate through both the strings simulatenously and compare what all characters are different
def hamming_distance(s, t):
count = 0
for i in range(len(s)):
if s[i] != t[i]:
count += 1
return count
def hamming(s, t): # one liner because why not
return sum([1 for i in range(len(s)) if s[i] != t[i]])
# Read the input data
with open('rosalind_hamm.txt', 'r') as file:
s = file.readline().strip()
t = file.readline().strip()
print(hamming_distance(s, t))